"The habit of calling a finished product a Design is convenient but wrong. Design is what you do, not what you've done." Bruce Archer, The Guardian |

7400 River Road Apt. 122 North Bergen New Jersey 07047
Contact me for detailed reports or full size pictures
THESIS PROJECT: Design of World Trade Center
The main objective was to create and design a world trade center which is a bustling hub of export activities. The planning has been done to develop it as a landmark building of the region with state of art facilities, a building that reflects the modern and progressive technology. |
My portfolio comprises of all my projects done during the five years course of architecture, such as Residence, Resort, technical Institute, Sketching and photography.
I was a member of National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA) and worked for the designing projects to be submitted for the competitions. |
In fourth year of architecture curriculum did documentation of an Indo-Sarcenic building which has the combination of Indian Architecture and British AArchitecture which displayed an extra ordinary level of professional skill and represents a very sophisticated example of British ecelticism. |
Had a strong passion for sketching, photography, and collage making from childhood. With architecture as course got many options to show my creativity. For trip reports used to do the sketching of the heritage and modernistic buidings. |